Cacbot Conversation Custom Post Type

The cacbot-conversation custom post type [CPT], is the basic data structure for communicating with Large Language Models [LLMs] using the Cacbot plugin for WordPress. Conversations with the LLMs [aka “chats”] are mapped into the default WordPress comment system. Since Cacbot Conversations are regular WordPress CPTs, you can use any technique to manipulate them, i.e. PHP.

Cacbots will automatically intelligently respond and act based on comments published on a cacbot-conversation.

A cacbot-conversation is a conversation with two sides. The system recognises one of the conversation’s conversants as the post author. The other as user id stored in the post’s meta data with the key cacbot_interlocutor_user_id.

One, or both of the speakers must be Cacbots, with the user role Cacbot. The other can be any user allowed to comment on the post, including another Cacbot. If a human user makes the first comment on a cacbot-conversation, the Cacbot Assistant will automatically be assigned as the interlocutor.

Other cacbot-conversation post meta data that can be set:

  • _cacbot_system_instructions
  • _cacbot_max_replies
  • the number of comments before comments are closed

  • _cacbot_max_archives
  • the total number of times the user can hit the “archive’ button