Cacbot stands for The Comments are a Chatbot. It transforms the built in WordPress comments system into a powerful artificial intelligence agent interface.
When you make a comment on a Cacbot enabled post, the Cacbot assistant will respond as if being spoken to. The conversation will be captured in the default WordPress comment system. You can use the result any way you want.
Try it out on your WordPress website for free.
Getting Started
Download the ZIP File
In your WordPress admin, navigate to Plugins > Add New, then upload and activate it.
Cacbot Conversation
Go to Cacbot Conversations in the WordPress admin.
Click Add New.
Name your conversation (for example, “Test”).
Set the conversation visibility to Private and click Publish.
Use Cacbot
View the conversation on the frontend.
Type your message in the comment box.
Once you submit, the Cacbot Assistant will reply, and its response is saved as a WordPress comment.